There’s always something happening at MCC.

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Tuesday Visits to MCC

Prospective Students


10:00 AM

These weekly mini-information sessions will give you a more tailored experience of MCC, a tour of campus, and the...

Employer Recruitment Table - NYS Police Troop E

Employer Visits


11:30 AM

Stop by the Career Services Employer Recruitment Table in the Campus Center Atrium and meet recruiters from NYS...

Employer Recruitment Table - CP Rochester

Employer Visits


11:30 AM

Stop by the Career Services Employer Recruitment Table in the Campus Center Atrium and meet recruiters from CP...

Employer Recruitment Table - TES Staffing

Employer Visits


11:30 AM

Stop by the Career Services Employer Recruitment Table in the Campus Center Atrium and meet recruiters from TES...

Fidelis Health Insurance Information Table

Counseling Center and Disability Services


02:00 PM

A Health Benefits Representative from Fidelis Healthcare will have an information table set up at...

Student Government Association Senate Meeting

Office of Student Life/Leadership


02:15 PM

The SGA welcomes and encourages all to attend the Senate Meeting today, March 18th at 2:15pm on the Brighton...

TCC: March's Adjunct Supper for Success

Professional Development


05:00 PM

The Teaching and Creativity Center invites you to March's Supper for Success: "Small Teaching Tips From Across...

Guerrilla Girls Panel Discussion

Campus-Wide Event


06:00 PM

At 6:00 pm in Room 05-200, a panel discussion will be held in regard to the Guerrilla Girls and women in the arts....

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